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break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored

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Weā€™re back after taking a break last week for Halloween. Did you do anything fun? My friend and I threw a Barbie-themed murder mystery party, and not to brag, but we slayed. (Get it? Bc murder? Iā€™m writing this at midnight on Monday night, so the jokes will continue to be no good, but weā€™ll get through it together lol.)

Today is about ~sitting in stability.~ That may sound boring, but Iā€™m actually going to be pretty open here, so buckle up.

Dr. A (my therapist, who I often mention, for the new readers here) asked me last week how my new job is going. ā€œI love it. Like, I genuinely enjoy working,ā€ I told him. ā€œBut it is a littleā€¦boring? Itā€™s hard to explain because Iā€™m not bored, butā€¦ā€

He stopped me as I trailed off and asked: ā€œIs it a healthy environment?ā€

I immediately knew where he was going with that. ā€œYes,ā€ I said. ā€œVery.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s why you feel bored.ā€

First of all, rude lol. Second of all, absolutely true. In my most recent job before this one, I was not treated well. I didnā€™t know on any given day whether my boss would be nice to me or whether what I said would set him off. It was like walking on eggshells. In the job before that, I gave up my apartment to travel across the country on no sleep for a year and a half; I willingly sacrificed stability for that job.

Whether itā€™s work, a friendship, or a relationship, the cycle looks the same: an unstable environment brings excitement - very high highs and really low lows. The highs feel like a drug, and whenever you hit a low, you just keep searching for that high again.

Enter a stable job, friend or partner. There arenā€™t any super low lows, but that means there also arenā€™t really high highs. The hit youā€™re looking for is gone. The stability can feel boring if youā€™re used to the rollercoaster, but this is healthy.

Now, this doesnā€™t mean weā€™re supposed to be complacent and sit in boredom or in a job we donā€™t find stimulating. Because I actually do find my job to be challenging in a new way. Iā€™m learning something new every day, and I love celebrating the wins and learning from my misses. Itā€™s not a boring job, to be clear. Iā€™m the problem here.

So I am saying that, for me, this was worth examining because I hadnā€™t realized I had been unwittingly chasing the wrong work environment. I hadnā€™t known better until someone pointed it out.

Maybe this isnā€™t you. Thatā€™s ok, Iā€™m sure itā€™s someone you know. Or if this is relatable to you, whether itā€™s in friendships or relationships or work or something else in life, I hope it gives you a second to reexamine the situation. Let me know, and we can work becoming content - and not bored - with stability šŸ˜‰ 

Jam Session

Thereā€™s a lot of bummer news coming from the entertainment world recently between Matthew Perryā€™s death and the release of Britney Spears memoir, but there are important conversations happening around those events. This podcast does a great job breaking down big pop culture moments in a thoughtful way. Highly recommend.

You can find me on IG or just reply to this email. Or if you have any questions, send those, too. Getting your emails is still my favorite part of the week, so please keep them coming šŸ™‚ 


ā€œAbove all, human existence requires stabilityā€”the permanence of things.ā€

ā€“ Georges Bataille